Athletic Training Information
Athletic Medical Eligibility and Athletic Training Room Policy and Procedures
Keith R. Thomas, ATC
Office: McDonough Sports Complex, Room 173 (Athletic Training Room)
Phone: (518) 629-7373
Medical Eligibility
Health Service and the Athletic Training Department must screen all student/athletes in order to participate in intercollegiate athletics. All requirements must be completed fully before the student/athletes may practice (including weight training and cardiovascular conditioning). Athletes will not be partially cleared by either Health Service or the Athletic Training Department. It is the student – athlete’s responsibility to refrain from participation in practices or conditioning programs until fulfilling all requirements. It is the responsibility of the head coach to inform the athlete of the teams selected physical examination date and to insure that all student-athletes are cleared for participation.
Each preseason student-athletes are not allowed to participate with his/her team due to failure to fulfill all of the sport participation requirements. The most common reasons are:
- No Pre-Participation Physical on file with HVCC Health Service.
- Immunization records incomplete.
- Medical History/Insurance information form either not on file or incomplete.
- Failure to keep the sport physical appointment at Health Service.
Medical Requirements
- Athletic Training Medical History/Insurance Questionnaire
Student/athletes have the responsibility to truthfully and fully disclose their medical history and report any changes in their health to the team health care provider. The questionnaire must be filled out each season and return it promptly to the athletic training facility. The athlete will be required to list all medications and the dosages that are being taken on this form. All first year, second year, and transfer student/athletes must complete these each year. A copy of each student-athlete's insurance card is required. - Outside Physical
All new entering student/athletes, transfer, and any student athlete that had left and returned to the college after a year must have a physical exam performed by their primary care physician or clinic. The Hudson Valley Community College Sports Health Information Report must be completed and returned to the Student Health Center before participation.
Upon submission and verification of the above two forms you may participate in practice. - Pre-Participation Physical
Upon verification and completion of the Medical History/Insurance Questionnaire and the Outside Physical each student/athlete must complete an In-House Physical to be completed in the Student Health Center (Campus Center 270) by our school physician. All student-athletes must provide valid identification. This physical allows you to participate in scrimmages and games. Student/athletes who fail to keep a scheduled appointment with Health Service may jeopardize his/her ability to be cleared for sport participation for several days. Athletes who miss appointments are responsible for contacting Keith and rescheduling their appointment at the convenience of Health Service. Athletes must understand the importance of arriving on time for all scheduled appointments with Health Service and the Athletic Training Facility. Coaches will be notified of athletes who fail to keep scheduled appointments.
Athletes who have been receiving rehabilitation off-campus must bring a prescription from their physician. Athletes should bring copies of all rehabilitation notes if rehabilitation is to be continued in HVCC athletic training facility.
Medical Records
The athletic training facility records are considered a medical record. Athletic training records and the information that they contain are considered confidential and private. Written permission, signed by the student-athlete, that authorizes the release of medical information to others must specify which information may be released and to whom. This information is included in the Medical History/Insurance questionnaire and verified with your signature upon completion of the form. Medical records are maintained during the athlete’s collegiate career and for 7 years thereafter.
The athletic training staff is here to evaluate and treat your athletic injuries. We can help make your experience at Hudson Valley Community College a little less painful. Any decision regarding your participation in athletics due to an injury will be made by the athletic trainer and/or team/school physician. The decision of the head athletic trainer, team physician, or college health service is final.
The athletic training staff strives to protect and return the injured student athlete to sport participation as quickly and safely as possible. The athletic training staff possesses knowledge in injury prevention; injury recognition, evaluation, and assessment; immediate care; and the treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning of athletic injuries. Sport participation in intercollegiate athletics involves an inherent risk of injury, and the student/athlete must share in the responsibility of prevention through following established safety protocols, communicating, and reporting injuries to the athletic training staff in a timely manner, reporting for treatments and rehabilitation as directed.
All injuries must be reported to the athletic training staff for evaluation, treatment, and referral. Medical referral will be made when deemed necessary. The role of the athletic training staff is to assist the athlete in returning to sport participation following an injury as quickly and safely as possible. In order to return the athlete safely back to sport participation, coaches and athletes must immediately inform the athletic training staff of all injuries sustained while participating in sports. The athlete must also directly communicate any concerns that he/she may have regarding his/her injury evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation program to the athletic training staff.
During peak hours, before practices and games, athletes will only be permitted in the training room for treatments, therapy, or taping. Athletes who wait until just before practice to come in may not receive required treatment. If treatment or taping is required as a condition to practice, you will not be permitted to practice. The training room hours are posted on the door, do your best to come in early or in between classes for therapy
You must report all injuries to the athletic trainer. If the athletic trainer is not available, report your injury to your coach. You must then report the injury to the athletic trainer as soon as it is possible (within 48 hours). If you fail to report the injury to the athletic trainer, our medical insurance may not cover your bills.
If the injury is severe and you need medical assistance, report to one of the area emergency rooms and notify the athletic trainer as soon as possible.
The athletic trainer or team physician will decide what treatment/therapy is appropriate or required for each injury. It is your responsibility to come to the training room on a daily basis or as directed by the athletic trainer. Please view the schedule posted on the main entrance of the athletic training room.
You must sign in to the treatment log upon entering the training room. If you don’t know what therapy will be performed, you must complete the information before leaving.
The athletic trainer or team physician will decide who needs to be taped. All athletes getting taped must be undergoing a comprehensive rehabilitation program. It is the athletes’ responsibility to come in for treatment/rehab. Without consistent compliance in your rehab program, you will not be taped. If you are being taped, plan your time accordingly. There is often a line to be taped in the training room. If you are late and you must be taped for practice, you will not practice. No taping will take place on the practice fields!
No athlete will be allowed to participate with glasses unless the glasses consist of safety lenses and a strap is attached to the glasses holding them in place on your face. They must be approved by the athletic training staff.
Insurance and Medical Bills
Hudson Valley Community College has medical insurance for every student. This policy will pay up to $25,000 for any injury sustained. We may also need to use your own private insurance for injuries that generate bills in excess of $1,000. You must discuss insurance issues with the athletic trainer on a case by case basis. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO FILE ALL CLAIMS AND SUBMIT ALL BILLS TO THE APPROPRIATE INSURANCE CARRIER. SEE THE ATHLETIC TRAINER IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. THE ATHLETIC TRAINER WILL ASSIST YOU IN HANDLING YOUR CLAIM. OUR ATHLETIC INSURANCE COMPANY MAY NOT PAY ANY CLAIMS FOR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS, ILLNESSES, OR CHRONIC CONDITIONS.
Visits to a Physician or Hospital
If you go to an emergency room or see a physician, you will be required to have a written note from a physician before you can return to activity. Even if the physician tells you it’s OK to play, I need written verification.
Blood Related Issues
It is possible that you may come in contact with blood or other bodily fluids from another athlete during athletic activity. This includes blood, or perhaps you may sustain a wound from another athlete’s teeth. If this occurs, notify the athletic trainer immediately (or your coach in the absence of an athletic trainer). If this occurs during a game or practice, try to identify the athlete you came in contact with. A uniform number from an opponent will suffice. This “exposure” should be documented by the athletic trainer and you can if you wish, be referred to the college health service for medical follow up. This follow-up may include baseline blood testing for you and we may also ask the athlete you came in contact with to submit to a blood test (this is voluntary). We can’t emphasize enough that you should identify this type of exposure to the athletic training staff for your own safety. Remember that wounds caused by teeth can get infected very easily and must be treated aggressively.
General Athletic Training Room Policies
- The athletic training room is a co-ed facility. Proper clean and dry attire must be worn at all times. If you are coming in for lower extremity therapy, remember your shorts. No boxers, underwear, etc.
- Do not bring any personal items (book bags, etc.) into the room. Athletic equipment is not allowed in the room at all (helmets, shoulder pads, etc.).
- Food and Drinks are not permitted in the Athletic Training Room.
- Cell phones and personal communication items are not allowed in the athletic training room.
- Hats or any other head apparel is not allowed in the athletic training room.
- Shoes are not to be worn on any of the treatment or taping tables.
- Always keep a pair of shorts in your locker, part of your rehabilitation may include cardiovascular training!
- Never wear cleats or spikes in the athletic training room (or anywhere else in the building).
- You must sign in to the treatment log for all therapy and taping.
- Return all training room items to their proper place before leaving. Used towels must be placed in the hamper.
- The two offices in back and the storage room are off limits to athletes. Don’t ask to use the phone unless it’s an emergency.
- Treat the student athletic trainers with respect. They are volunteers.
- You may be issued certain protective equipment by the athletic trainer. You will sign for all of this equipment and must return it to us as soon as you leave the team or the season ends. You will be billed and your academic records will be placed on hold if you fail to return our equipment within 2 days of leaving the team or after the season ends.
***No jewelry is permitted during athletic activity. This includes tongue studs. There are no exceptions to this rule. You will be removed from practice or a game if you are wearing any jewelry.
You cannot modify any protective equipment. You must wear all required protective equipment at all times or you will be removed from practice. Inspect your equipment daily for defects.
The athletic trainer can excuse you from practicing, but only your coach can excuse you from practice!