Football Alum, Andres Blanco Highlighted in Poughkeepsie Journal

Andres Blanco graphic

Hudson Valley football alumnus, Andres Blanco was recently highlighted by the Poughkeepsie Journal following his football career at Hudson Valley and Western Connecticut State University. Blanco is currently the Chief Marketing Officer at Nestep Inc. 

Excerpts from: Finding another purpose: How these high school athletes made the transition after sports

"Blanco is one of the founders of Nestep Inc., a real estate technology company that uses an online platform to connect home buyers and sellers, allowing the involved parties to schedule tours and negotiate directly, in addition to perusing photo galleries and comparing prices. That, he said, is what differentiates it from established real estate sites like Zillow...

Blanco first committed to play at Malone University, a Division II school based in Ohio. But a knee injury cut short his tenure there, prompting a transfer to Hudson Valley Community College. That detour might've been serendipitous as it was there, he said, he met "my first business mentor." One of the football assistants was a successful businessman who coached on the side, only because he enjoyed it."

Read the complete article on Andres Blanco in the Poughkeepsie Journal